-728 days 16:43:10
Assignment is over

Exercise 9: Strings II

Time elapsed


Time Remaining


Starts in

-728 days 16:43:10

Ends in

-363 days 16:44:10


2023-01-01 01:00 CET


2024-01-01 00:59 CET

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Exercise 9: Strings II

Problem A
Suffix Array Re-construction — Problem Statistics

Back to problem description
Submissions 2102
Accepted submissions 432
Submission ratio 20.55%
Authors 250
Accepted authors 231
Author ratio 92.40%

The 10 fastest solutions (all languages)

1Leif Eriksson0.12 sC++2023-04-03 17:28:10
2Robert Kumpulainen0.16 sC++2018-05-04 23:02:23
3Axel Thelin0.16 sRust2024-04-28 18:36:00
4Rolf Sievert0.17 sC++2019-04-11 15:19:26
5Philip Johansson0.18 sC++2018-03-23 13:04:25
6Erik Tedhamre0.18 sC++2019-04-09 13:44:10
7Joseph Hughes0.18 sC++2022-04-21 18:23:08
8Filip Magnusson0.19 sC++2017-08-25 12:17:13
9Hidden user0.19 sC++2018-04-17 22:47:38
10Simon Samnegård0.19 sC++2022-04-11 15:24:10

The 10 shortest solutions (all languages)

1Victor Wennström419C++2024-03-14 17:01:27
2Jorke de Vlas606Python 32024-05-30 17:10:43
3Mio Cajander622Python 32024-03-23 01:19:18
4Hassan Mustafa639Python 32023-04-04 17:45:57
5Mattias Sjögren736Python 32023-08-29 14:54:52
6Emanuel Särnhammar748Python 32023-05-21 19:14:59
7Fredrik Nääs792Python 32024-03-21 13:47:12
8Olof Lissmats838Python 32023-04-03 23:03:33
9Noah Nielsen847Python 32024-04-02 22:32:57
10Kevin Scott884Python 32024-04-02 00:46:57

Solution running time distribution