Advanced Algorithmic Problem Solving – AAPS/AAPS24
- Exercise 10: Number Theory (Ended)
- Exercise 11: Search (Ended)
- Exercise 12: Computational Geometry (Ended)
- Exercise 13: Mixed (Ended)
- Exercise 1: Greedy Problems and Dynamic Programming I (Ended)
- Exercise 2: Data Structures (Ended)
- Exercise 3: Arithmetic (Ended)
- Exercise 4: Greedy Problems and Dynamic Programming II (Ended)
- Exercise 5: Graphs I (Ended)
- Exercise 6: Graphs II (Ended)
- Exercise 7: Graphs III (Ended)
- Exercise 8: Strings I (Ended)
- Exercise 9: Strings II (Ended)
- Lab 1 (Ended)
- Interval Cover
- Knapsack
- Longest Increasing Subsequence
- Union-Find
- Fenwick Tree
- Polynomial Multiplication 2
- Linear Equation Solver
- Partial Linear Equation Solver
- Lab 2 (Ended)
- Single source shortest path, non-negative weights
- Single source shortest path, time table
- Single source shortest path, negative weights
- All Pairs Shortest Path
- Minimum Spanning Tree
- Maximum Flow
- Minimum Cut
- Minimum Cost Maximum Flow
- Eulerian Path
- Lab 3 (Ended)
- String Matching
- Suffix Sorting
- Dvaput
- Rational Arithmetic
- Modular Arithmetic
- Chinese Remainder
- Chinese Remainder Theorem (non-relatively prime moduli)
- Prime Sieve
- Lab 4 (Ended)
- Polygon Area
- Point in Polygon
- Line Segment Intersection
- Line Segment Distance
- Closest Pair (Uniform)
- Closest Pair
- Convex Hull
- Maximum Number of Colinear Points
- Linear Recurrences
- Problem Solving Session: Practice (Ended)
- Problem Solving Session I (Ended)
- Problem Solving Session II (Ended)
- Problem Solving Session III (Ended)
- Problem Solving Session IV (Ended)
- Lab 0: Optional Practice Problems (Start: 1970-01-01 01:00 CET)
Jorke de Vlas | Teacher |
Leif Eriksson | Teacher |